P.O. Box 2166, Arusha, Tanzania
Phone: 255-57-4289
Fax: 255-57-4289
email  tasoet@cybernet.co.tz

Tanzania Social and Economic Trust

"...working for a better life for all..."

The Tanzania Social and Economic Trust is a non-government and a non-profit organization established for the purpose of carrying out research, advocacy, negotations, lobbying and awareness education in the area of social, economic, debt and development issue sin Tanzania.
Main Focus - Research

To undertake research in the area of social and economic issues including factors behind heavy indebtedness, and poor economic performance in Tanzania;

To play a critical role in research and in recommending ways of eradicating the debt problem and of improving social and economic development;

To use the outcome of research to facilitate the formulation of policies and plans for making the most efficient use of fiancial and other resources to enhance social and economic development;


Lobbying and Advocacy

To support and facilitate the enhancement of the negotiations process in relation to debt relief on the National debt stock as will be requested from time to time.

To contribute to the debate for the postive  policy changes on social-economic development issues;

To participate in the national and global efforts of the eradication of the debt problem from being a major impediment to current growth and development in Tanzania through sharing strategies and researched information;

To address socail-economic and development issues related ot the gender agenda in order to contribute towards development of women;


Awareness Education

To provide information to the public and to various organizations on issues related to debt, social and economic development;

To highlight and promote awareness on the debt issues, social and economic policies that will stimulate action towards instigating the responsibilities of the key players in resolving the social and economic problems and the debt burden.



To work closely with other organizations with a similar focus both at national and international levels.