Towards Sustainable Food Security

A Handbook for

Action, Popular Education, and Policy Change

Published by: xyz group

Copyright © xyz group 1999

Draft by: Tony Biddle and Ron MacDonald


Front Matter Preface Introduction:
The Challenge Of Sustainable
Food Security
The Challenge:
Food Stories From
Around The World
Summary Of Key Principles Emerging From The Stories
End Matter






Front Matter
Title page

Publishing information


The state of the world food system and the emerging crisis: some startling facts about the global food system and where it seems to be headed.
  1. A call for action on food security: the NGO statement at the World Food Summit in Rome, 1996.
  2. About our book: we are presenting stories on food issues from around the world that:
  • illustrate aspects of the problem (impediments to food security) and help identify the need for action.
  • show examples of how communities, movements, institutions and governments are taking action to ensure food security (overcoming impediments)
  • exemplify food security achievements of a transformative nature
  1. The value of looking at stories, purpose and uses of the book
  2. Acknowledgements


I. Introduction:

The Challenge Of Sustainable Food Security
  1. The Nature And Causes Of Global Food Insecurity
  2. Globalization of the economy, trade liberalisation, Neoliberalism
  • impoverishment of populations and growing income disparity both within South and North, and between South and North
  • Aid v.s. foreign debt servicing: the net flow of cash from South to North
  • World Bank/IMF structural adjustment policies and development orientation

    - emphasis on export agriculture over subsistence agriculture
  • - liquidation of natural resources, privatization, further impoverishment
    - Food as a weapon to achieve foreign policy objectives
    - food aid
    - economic sanctions/embargoes

  • Commodification of food, and the profit motive as the only criteria in large-scale food production and distribution
  • Concentration of power in the food industry
  • Concentration of land ownership
  • Environmental degradation of agricultural land and resources

    - under modern industrial agriculture: the effects of monoculture

    - under marginalized peasant agriculture: population pressures on fragile ecosystems

  • Human-induced global climate change: increasing the threat of desertification
  • Genetic resources under threat

- increasing loss of genetic diversity in the world's food supply

- increasing corporate control over the world's genetic resources

- the explosion of genetic engineering technology

  1. The Concept Of Food Security
  • Introducing the concept of food security
  • The dimensions of food security:

- equitable access (economic or physical) to food and/or food production resources

- environmental sustainability of food production

- local self-sufficiency/self-reliance

- knowledge of food and nutrition

There are efforts world-wide at local, national and international levels to push for food security. Heading the struggle for food security is the world's NGO sector, along with grassroots movements of smallscale farmers and local communities. Here, we look at some of those struggles within the framework of actions called for in the NGO statement at the World Food Summit in Rome.


II. Facing The Challenge:

Food Stories From Around The World
  1. Strengthening The Capacity And Diversity Of Small-Scale Farmers And Local Food Systems
  • Introduction to the stories in this section
  • Stories about:

- Reorienting aspects of food and agriculture in favour of small-scale farmers

- Promoting the rights of women and indigenous people to productive resources

- Ensuring access for small-scale farmers to information and communication systems

  1. Summary of lessons we can learn for action on food security
  1. Reversing The Concentration Of Wealth And Power
  • Introduction to the stories in this section
  • Stories about:

- Examples of inequitable land distribution, and corporate control of the food system; impact on food security

- Struggles for the land and productive resources, pushing for agrarian reform that favours small-scale farmers

- Resisting corporate control of plant genetic resources

  • Summary of lessons we can learn for action on food security
  1. Making Agriculture And Food Production Systems Sustainable
  • Introduction to the stories in this section
  • Stories about:

- Promoting national and international research, education and extension on agroecological modes of production

- Ensuring sustainable management of food production resources

- Promoting policies and practices that favour organic agriculture

- Internalising the costs of industrial agriculture (including the social and environmental costs of industrial agriculture in the price of food)

- Promoting full information systems (labelling)

- Promoting a diversified, safe, high-quality food supply

  • Summary of lessons we can learn for action on food security
  1. Holding Our Governments Responsible For Ensuring Food Security
  • Introduction to the stories in this section
  • Stories about:

- The need for national policies to overcome poverty and growing income disparities

- The need for participatory democracy

- The need to make development strategies more compatible with food security goals

- The need for the suspension of structural adjustment programs imposed by the World Bank and IMF

  • Summary of lessons we can learn for action on food security
  1. Strengthening The Participation Of Peoples' Organizations And Ngos At All Levels Of Food Security Action
  • Introduction to the stories in this section
  • Stories about:

- Groups successfully organising to push for food security (farmers, women, indigenous peoples--alternative models)

- Building a role for civil society organizations in monitoring the impact of policies on food security

- NGOs involved in the implementation of food projects

  • Summary of lessons we can learn for action on food security
  1. Establishing The Right To Food As An International Issue
  • Introduction to the stories in this section
  • Stories about:

- Promoting food as a right in human rights action

- Ensuring the right of nations to pursue food self-sufficiency strategies (and the current conflict with trade liberalisation and international trade agreements)

- Developing effective international instruments to implement the right to food (Code of Conduct, Global Convention on Food Security)

  • Summary of lessons we can learn for action on food security
  1. Other Food Security Issues


III. Conclusion:

Summary Of Key Principles Emerging From The Stories



End Matter
  • Appendices

- NGO statement at the World Food Summit in Rome, 1996

- Annotated bibliography

- Organizations, resources

  • Index